Category Archives for Random
Thanksgiving with the flock
Okay everybody. It’s Thanksgiving today, so why don’t we go around and share one thing we’re thankful for this season? O’Malley? Why don’t you start. “I am thankful that my wings grew back!” – Me too, O’Malley “And I am … Continue reading
Otter’s Vegan Korma Curry
And now for something completely different! You may know that with all the rescued animals here, I’m vegan. That means for 4+ years now I’ve avoided all animal products as much as possible. (I was also vegetarian for several years … Continue reading
I am a Wizard!
“What’s that, Danny girl? Lionel is being dorky!? I will save you!” “Now how do I cast a spell again? Oh that’s right… Ducks and clucks and muddy muck. Make Lionel behave like a GOOD duck.“ “Did it work? Is … Continue reading
Easter from a chicken’s perspective
I had a hankering for coloring eggs this year. Usually I collect the eggs from the few members of the flock who lay eggs, then hard-boil them and feed them back to them. This gives them a lot of nutrients. … Continue reading
The Lap
“I love sitting on the people lap, watching the birdies in the morning!” – Simon “What are you doing here?” – Simon “What does it LOOK like I’m doing, furface?” – Cindy Buttons “I was here first. Make her leave.” … Continue reading
Chicken Standoff
Chicken behavior is pretty complex. The term “pecking order” is definitely true. Chickens like to know their place in the flock and they are quick to make sure other hens know where they stand. I happened to catch a photo … Continue reading
Mystery Chicken
Today I had lunch with a friend, and when she asked what else I was up to, I told her “I’m going to Juanita/Kenmore to some random condominiums to look for a chicken in a back yard and see if … Continue reading
All About Caruncles
Sometimes when people see muscovy ducks they say “Eeww! Ugly!” Then I usually say “Look who’s talking. You’re one to judge!” in response, but that doesn’t make me many friends. As I’ve mentioned before, muscovy ducks are the only ducks … Continue reading
Rethinking the Intelligence of Chickens
For anyone who doesn’t think chickens or other birds are intelligent or emotional, I present to you, Carol… the chicken who is ruining my life. Carol came to us from the Seattle Animal Shelter after being found as a stray. … Continue reading