About Us

We are now a retirement home for our existing rescues. We are no longer an active rescue or sanctuary. We have NO VACANCY. Our main focus used to be the rescue and rehabilitation of domestic ducks. We are not urban farmers and we do not eat animals or animal products. We never breed or buy animals. They are not ours to use. They exist for their own reasons and they deserve all our compassion and care.

mr flapper duck
This site would not be possible if not for the wonderful little light of our lives, Mr Flapper Duck. He has passed on, but his bright spirit inspires us every day to live compassionately and do all we can do to reduce the suffering of animals.

You can message us via our Facebook page at: http://www.Facebook.com/DucksAndClucks

In June 2014 we relocated from Seattle, WA to Salt Lake City, UT to be near our aging parents. NOTE: WE NO LONGER MAINTAIN A POST OFFICE BOX.

“Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.” ~Albert Schweitzer

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