Monthly Archives for July 2011
It’s a Girl!
Turkey’s DNA test came back, and it’s a girl! Her name is officially Penelope Kerfuffle Turkey.
Toro Update
Toro the baby broiler rooster had a good weekend. He climbed to the top of the shrubbery and proclaimed himself “Toro! King of the Shrubbery!” Toro is getting pretty big. As you know, he is a broiler chicken. This means … Continue reading
Sleepy Turkey and Cindy Buttons
Turkey was really sleepy this evening. See? Yaaaawn. Big wide turkey yawn. Baby broiler roo Toro was sleepy too, and is also a great lap chicken. Lastly, Cindy Buttons has decided to go into acting. She is really good at … Continue reading
Names for Some New Kids
Foster baby broiler roo has chosen the name “Toro!” He is a strong baby broiler roo and it is a fitting name. I imagine his voice if he spoke English would be something like Antonio Banderas. “I am strong roo! … Continue reading
Baby Broiler Roo and Turkey
This is baby broiler roo and turkey cuddled up together this afternoon in the sunshine. See how baby broiler sleeps? He has to lay on his side to breathe well. This is because broilers are genetically modified to have extra … Continue reading
No Names Yet
None of the new kids have chosen names yet. They’re thinking about it. Sometimes it takes some time. Be patient. We don’t need suggestions. They pick the names themselves. Don’t ask me how. 🙂 Baby broiler roo is doing okay. … Continue reading
New Kids Update
Baby turkey and baby chicken are doing pretty well, considering they had a rough start. The chicken is probably a broiler chicken, which means it won’t have a very long life. Just google “broiler chicken” and read up on what … Continue reading