Monthly Archives for March 2013
Easter from a chicken’s perspective
I had a hankering for coloring eggs this year. Usually I collect the eggs from the few members of the flock who lay eggs, then hard-boil them and feed them back to them. This gives them a lot of nutrients. … Continue reading
O’Malley to the vet
Yesterday as I was snuggling with O’Malley, I told him that today we would be going to the vet. He does not like the vet’s office and tends to get really stressed out, which in turn stresses me out. So … Continue reading
Rest in Peace, Braveheart
Sadly, while I was visiting family in Utah and staying with my mom, her cat Braveheart passed away suddenly. He was hanging out with us in the house and then went outside for a little less than an hour. When … Continue reading
The Lap
“I love sitting on the people lap, watching the birdies in the morning!” – Simon “What are you doing here?” – Simon “What does it LOOK like I’m doing, furface?” – Cindy Buttons “I was here first. Make her leave.” … Continue reading