Category Archives for Breaking News
Vet Fund for Injured Orem Ducks & Geese
Some time around February 6th, an unknown monster began illegally shooting rescued ducks, geese, coots and other shore birds at the community pond where we placed the rescued Sugarhouse Park ducks. The pond was also home to domestic geese relocated … Continue reading
Bread is Bad for Ducks
This spring, we’ll be handing out packets of healthy duck treats to anyone feeding bread to ducks in the local parks. The packets will contain cracked corn along with a pamphlet with lots of fun duck info on it, including … Continue reading
Home sweet home
Today we took the Sugarhouse ducks to their forever home. Thanks to everyone who made donations, we were able to write a check to the caretakers for $500 for feed for the ducks and geese at the private pond, as … Continue reading
Ducks and Clucks is Moving
“Say what?!” It’s true. Ducks and Clucks is moving from Seattle, WA to Salt Lake City, Utah soon. Right now we’re busy prepping the house for sale and doing everything to get it staged for listing. There’s painting prep going … Continue reading
INCOMING: New Foster Duck
Today we got a call from our vet’s office, asking if we could foster a duck if they could get him feeling better. Sometimes when they call I can’t help. But today I could. And I love helping a sick … Continue reading
Help for Agoostus
This is “Agoostus.” He was dumped at a park in Kent, WA. Some blog friends of ours who rescue pigeons saw him and brought him to me, as he was too friendly and domestic to leave at the park. Agoostus … Continue reading
Homeless Fowl Looking for Love
PLEASE SHARE! These two young hens were abandoned in Sammamish, WA and need a safe, happy forever home that will keep them as pets. They like to forage for bugs and are good friends with each other. Do you have … Continue reading
It’s Raccoon Time!
SPECIAL NOTE: This time of year, through the end of November, is often a very active time for raccoons in the Northwest. Take EXTRA care to keep your flocks safe and do not underestimate raccoons. They can attack any time … Continue reading
Want a Pet Duck?
We wrote this list a few years ago, and since then, many people have had varying reactions to it. Some find it off-putting, but others have thanked us for the honesty and candor. So before you think of adding a … Continue reading
Honor All Mothers
This Mother’s Day, our friends at are again featuring stories about mother and baby cows on their blog. Visit their site to read stories about Poncho and Jasper, two baby calves rescued from a factory farm. And learn more … Continue reading