Category Archives for Yard Stuff
Get Out, Goobers
Today we bought a new, proper chicken coop for inside the aviary. If you’ll think back, we never meant to have chickens really. Two chickens came in with the handicapped duck we rescued back in 2009. And since then, chickens … Continue reading
Saturday in the Yard
Today Lester and the other ducks and clucks hung out in the yard and ate grass, bugs and treats. “Is that a bug!?” – Olivia Gus shared some peas with Lester, and tried to stay out of O’Malley’s way. He … Continue reading
Plant Mashers
Lessie is really enjoying the new grasses in the aviary. Can you see him hiding? The grasses help him feel safe. Unfortunately the chickens have a “scorched earth” policy towards plant life, and even ripped up 4 out of 7 … Continue reading