Another Homeless Roo

UPDATE: This guy was taken in by Baahaus Animal Rescue Group on Vashon Island. If you’d like to support their great work, please visit their website:

Head’s up!
This handsome rooster is currently at the Seattle Animal Shelter, seeking a safe forever home. He was “discovered” in Discovery Park, which means he was dumped there by a dumb dumb. He’s a roo with a crooked toe, a homeless roo with nowhere to go. He actually does have a cooked toe. It may have been broken in the past, but he gets around okay with it and it doesn’t seem to bother him. Someone also trimmed his spurs, so he was cared for before he was dumped.

He’s a big, handsome guy who likes to hang out and chill. He’s fairly friendly, and would make a great roo for a small flock, somewhere outside of Seattle where his morning crowing won’t bother anyone.

Do you know someone near Seattle who has room in their heart and home for this wonderful guy? Isn’t he sweet? Look at his head comb!

If you’d like to adopt this roo, contact the Seattle Animal Shelter at 206-386-7387.

Just a note, it is a death sentence to dump a domestic bird in a park. This guy was starving when he was found – he was just famished and he gorged himself on food. When chickens are raised by humans, they never learn to fully forage on their own like a wild bird would. Never, ever dump a hand-raised animal.

Quacks and clucks,

Tiff and the flock

UPDATE: This guy was taken in by Baahaus Animal Rescue Group on Vashon Island. If you’d like to support their great work, please visit their website:

25. January 2013 by Silly Human
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