Category Archives for Sad Endings
The Story of Joey Goose
On Monday, February 13, 2017, Joey goose passed away at the veterinarian’s office. His passing was quite a surprise and definitely caught us off guard. On Thursday he seemed his usual self. He had fun breaking in my new rain … Continue reading
The Story of Carol Hen
Carol came to us from the Seattle Animal Shelter in April 2011. We went to pick up Fabio, a sick silkie rooster. But when we arrived at the shelter Carol was there as well, so we took her too. At … Continue reading
Euthanasia guidelines for handicapped ducks and quality of life issues
Note: This post deals with rescued ducks, and mostly with domesticated handicapped ducks. In the past week, we took in a rescued wild mallard duck from another local rescue group as a “last chance” for this duck. We don’t know … Continue reading
Goodbye Lester Leroy
Little Lester Leroy came to us from our veterinarian in Seattle in December 2010. He was fully grown and didn’t seem too young, so my guess is he was maybe born in Spring of 2009. He was a very scared, … Continue reading
Goodbye Olivia hen
Olivia hen passed away peacefully in my arms on the morning of December 17, 2014. She was rescued in 2009 and reportedly born in 2001, which made her about 13 years and 8-9 months old. This is the story of … Continue reading
Goodbye O’Malley my boy
O’Malley Peepers passed away from old age and lymphoma complications on December 10, 2014 at 9 years, 3 months and 2 days old. He was a wonderful lovable snuggly bitey dinosaur of a duck and I miss him terribly. This … Continue reading
Goodbye, Si Si
Our sweet girl Si passed away on the evening of October 20, 2014 after 3 months of issues with fluid in her abdomen. The vet in July said it was either sterile peritonitis or possibly cancer, both of which are … Continue reading
Rest in Peace, Simon
This boy… my sweet, sweet boy Simon. He passed away on April 15, 2014 after a battle with what was likely intestinal adenocarcinoma. Thankfully, he was comfortable and content right up until his final day. He went to the veterinarian … Continue reading
Foster kid Francis’ Cause of Death
If you haven’t already heard, our foster duckling Francis passed away unexpectedly on Saturday afternoon. Francis started limping on Thursday, went to the vet Friday and died Saturday. We all thought he had a sprained leg, but when he died … Continue reading
The Story of Cindy Buttons
Little Cindy Buttons passed away on Wednesday, April 24th after a very sudden illness that the vet has confirmed as “egg yolk coelomitis” or peritonitis, which is basically an infection that caused her to lay yolks internally. She was only … Continue reading