New Girl Picks a Name

april shadow
New ducky has decided that she likes the name “Shadow” after all, but she also wanted a full name. So her full name is “April Shadow.” I’ve been thinking “April” since the first day she arrived, but “Shadow” also fits her as well, since she follows Lester and Gus everywhere. She also followed her rescuers to their car, so it’s a good fit.

She is doing really well and fitting in with the other ducks. She loves Gus, but he is not so sure about her, so they get some time together every day, but they also get alone time. April Shadow spends her days with Lester Leroy and the chickens, and Gus spends days with the scovies.

April is a delicate little ducky, but not shy. She is a little afraid of the chickens, and she doesn’t like when they run around and get too close to her during treat time. She would prefer if they would stay away so she can eat treats alone. She shares peas with Lester every morning, and usually shares a swim, too.

She is a really cute kid, and we’re happy she’s working out well here so far.

Here’s to a good week, from all of us at Ducks & Clucks.

23. October 2011 by Silly Human
Categories: New Rescues | 3 comments

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